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Building a Fortress of Health

Definition of fortress: strengthen with defensive works so as to protect against attack. To reinforce, toughen and secure.

If I hadn’t spent the last 13 years building a fortress of health I would have easily caved under the pressure of a recent health challenge – a persistent allergic reaction. Thankfully my simple health philosophy undergirded the work of reclaiming my health: health is the process by which we care for our human design.

My critical health thinking skills once again sustained me with patience and perseverance. Allergic reactions are commonly diagnosed through trial and error. In my case medications were prescribed after infection set in, which created additional concerns I had to reverse. The pressure was intense to accept additional prescriptions to deal with these new medical-induced symptoms.

Although I was in deep distress I weighed my options and opted out of strong pharmaceutical therapy and reversed my condition with natural substances that assisted my body with much relief. I placed my faith in the Creator’s wisdom and in the self-healing capabilities of my majestic human design.

Building a Fortress Takes Time and Work

Building a fortress of health that you can live in for the rest of your life takes time and work. You build this fortress by mastering The Twelve Laws of Simple Health and becoming a critical health thinker. Apart from this work we are left open to unnecessary and invasive measures that may trigger complications or weaken our defenses. Because I was in the best shape of my life I faced this health crisis in a position of strength and not in a position of weakness.

Be Ready 

You don’t have to be powerless against health challenges however great or small.You can be ready to overcome them by assisting your body with the laws of nutrition, water, exercise, sleep, rest, cleansing, fasting, reducing stress, fresh air, sunlight, emotional fortitude and spiritual fortitude. The more you concentrate on mastering each one the more fortified your immune system will be if and when you face any interference to your health.

Building a Fortress of Health

What does it take to build a fortress of health? Where do you start? If you were faced with a health crisis how do you go about reclaiming your health? Are you prepared to assist your human design in building a fortress of health in a position of strength, knowledge, resources and critical health thinking skills or are you just winging it?

If I had not spent the last 13 years building a fortress of health it may have taken me longer to recover from the allergic reaction I suffered and I would have certainly panicked and made erroneous decisions that would have complicated the journey. My body was in top condition and I knew exactly what I needed and what I didn’t to overcome the challenge. I was able to continue in my everyday agenda, care for my family, and attend church and numerous family events that required my attention without interruption. Building a fortress of health results in meeting any health challenges with confidence and strength.

 Experience How Simple Health Really Is!


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