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Posts tagged ‘Processed Foods’

SHM Processed Food Synonyms

I didn’t know that processed foods were not a food group. Unbelievable! You mean macaroni and cheese and chocolate cake mix from a box is not food? Yep, that’s what I asked when I first started studying the subject of health and wellness for my self.

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What is Food?

What is food? What is a nutrient and where do we get them from? These questions seem extremely simple and basic. Understanding exactly what food is and what it is not is the basis for understanding the law of nutrition.

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What Did You Eat Today?

My classes, church activities and every day life have afforded me the opportunity to speak with many people about their personal pursuit of health. One of the things I observe in my conversations is that often the person is consumed with giving up unhealthy foods but fails to introduce nutrition to their body.

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Happy Thanksgiving

I love cooked food. Growing up in a Hispanic home cooked food was the number one food that was served. Raw food was limited not intentionally but nevertheless it was the least of the foods I consumed. You can imagine my shock and horror when I discovered that in order to reclaim my health and prevent disease health experts recommend that you consume at least 80% of your food raw and 20% of your food cooked.

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The Simple Truth about Protein and Carbohydrates

The simple truth about protein and carbohydrates did not come easy in my journey to reclaiming my health and preventing disease. I poured myself into hours of studying a variety of health resources to get to the truth. It was a grueling task that I needed to accomplish if I was going to reclaim my health and prevent disease. As I transitioned from my unhealthy world into reclaiming my health, understanding and answering the following questions about protein and carbohydrates became an obsession.

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